I am still on a bit of a high from yesterday's visit. I have expounded at length on the wonders of bees, and the absolute need to keep them to poor husband, who fortunately is still on good terms with his daughter. From the kitchen window I spy my neighbours out in their garden. They are so far unaware of my desire to have an apiary close to our boundary wall, so I grab the chance.
Me: "Morning, lovely day"
Mr and Mrs M: "Hi - yes it is"
Me: "Erm - can I run something past you?"
Mrs M (guardedly): "Go on then" raises eyebrows at husband
Me: "Well, erm, I've been going on a beekeeping course..."
Mrs M interjects: "So are you getting a hive?"
Me: "Well, I would like to, but I thought i should speak to you first"
Mrs M: "Oh no carry on - as long as the bees don't sting me"
Mr M: "I love honey, so yes on you go"
I am gobsmacked to say the least. :-)
Letting go
9 years ago
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