We visit the Royal Highland Show. The first stop is.... oh yes, The Bee Tent. I buy honey, soap and beeswax. There is a beekeeper who is showing visitors the inside of a hive - minus bees of course! We stop to watch and somehow find ourselves loitering around waiting for him to finish speaking to someone else. We tell him about our unsuitable garden (is there any beekeeper in Scotland who hasn't heard of this by now?). He doesn't see it as a problem. We say that we would really like to keep bees, but...... He says that there is a beginners course held in early spring, usually in West Lothian - it would be a way of finding out if bees were for us. He writes down the email address of the organiser, I tuck it into my purse.
We visit the rest of the show. By evening we have decided bees are not for us.
Letting go
9 years ago
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