Mayday morn, and Al phones to say he will drop the beesuits off on his way into town. I have already arranged to take elder son to buy shoes, after discovering him walking around with a hole worn completely through the sole! I ask Al to leave the box in the garage, but he is not keen. We agree instead that I will pick them up at around 6 pm.
After tea, John, James and I drive down to Al's house which is around 3 miles away meandering over the winding roads to Falkirk. It is located in a former industrial Lord's country estate, and Al refers to his house as 'The Coo Shed' We find it easily enough, the 2 white WBC beehives in the garden being the main clue. Al answers the door, and we enthuse about the setting and the decorative inlaid slate on the rendering of the house. He invites us in for a look, and the house is very small - he and his wife were downsizing, but the rooms are light filled and with a glorious outlook. We chat for a while, gleaning interesting pieces of gossip about the eccentric owner of the 'Big Hoose'. Apparently her husband was a member of a very famous folk/rock band of the 1960s. My husband is terribly impressed, as he was a fan - the things that go on in your own backyard!
When James is in bed, I try on the bee suit. It is huge. I look like an Apollo astronaut. My family laugh, but I know they are impressed. Everyone has a go at trying it on - making Darth Vader noises, Neil Armstrong quotes etc. I pose for a photograph to post on my blog later and then fold the suit up carefully and put it in the box with the others ready for the next morning.
Letting go
9 years ago
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